Exif pilot change orientation
Exif pilot change orientation

See EXIF Mapping for more details on this. Setting the Device property is required if you want to see the EXIF fields in the Images table.

  • Device: The physical device that was used to capture the image.
  • Capture Time: The exact time of image capture, parsed from the EXIF values of the image, when it’s possible.
  • Notes: This is a free-form field where you can add any extra information about the image, such as unique capture conditions, who took the image, or anything else.
  • If you need to move or rename your images after they are added to the Imatest Database, currently it is best to delete them from the database and then re-import them again. Note: moving an image file, or renaming it on your file system will not update the File Path property.
  • File Path (read only): The location of the image at the time it was imported.
  • Changing the Name field does not change the name of the original image file.
  • Name: The image’s name defaults to the filename when it is imported, but you can change it to anything you want to keep your images better organized.
  • Images have the following meta-data properties: Clicking these will open a new pop-up panel for that object that works the same as the Edit Image panel. You can make changes to the image’s child objects ( Device, Device, Session, Capture Condition, Camera Setting) using the New and Edit buttons.

    exif pilot change orientation

    To edit an image’s meta-data, make your changes in the Edit Image pop-up panel, then click the Save button at the bottom.

    Exif pilot change orientation